Privacy Policy

Wow, you must really care about your privacy if you found your way here!

I care about your privacy too, of course. And, as far as online privacy goes, this is a pretty safe space.

For one, I don’t allow visitors to post comments here. I’d rather you hop into my DMs or send me an email so we can have a proper chat!

I do offer the ability to have my posts sent to you via email. It should go without saying that if you put your email address into a subscription box, it will be stored somewhere so you can receive emails to said address. In this case, it will be stored in my WordPress installation and also in databases managed by my email subscription software, MailPoet. They seem pretty into privacy themselves – before I could make an account I had to verify where any subscribers had come from and if they’d done a double opt-in. If you subscribe, you will also need to double opt in.

The MailPoet plugin will set a cookie if you dismiss a subscription form pop-up. I’m fairly certain that I will never prompt you to subscribe via a pop-up, so this shouldn’t ever happen. Nobody likes pop-ups, even if they say they’re actually effective for email conversion.

For analytics, I use a nifty plugin called Burst Statistics. Their USP is privacy-friendly statistics, which don’t use browser Cookies and are hosted locally so the details only live on my blog’s server and not on the server of some Mega Corp. I just use this to see if anyone is reading my rambling or if I’m just speaking into the void – I am not sure which I would prefer to be honest.

Anyway, that’s about it, privacy-wise. Not much to worry about here on my little blog! But if you do have any worries, feel free to contact me about them!